Contact us
Zegersdreef 65 | 2930 Brasschaat | BELGIUM
BE 0767.826.165
+32 478 35 07 63
Located in the heart of Europe, the BENELUX is an international cooperation among the governments of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The name is a portmanteau formed from joining the first few letters of each country’s name—Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg—and was first used to name the customs agreement that initiated the union (signed in 1944). It is now used more generally to refer to the geographic, economic, and cultural grouping of the three countries. The Benelux is an economically dynamic and densely populated region, with 5.6% of the European population (29.2 million residents) and 7.9% of the joint EU GDP (€36,000/resident) on no more than 1.7% of the whole surface of the EU.
The office of YACHT STORY is based in Antwerp, Belgium, which is an ideal central location in the Benelux to reach clients from different countries. Combine a trip to our office with a guided tour in the beautiful city of Antwerp or navigate along the coastline to visit the historical centre of Bruges or do some shopping in Knokke. The proximity of some of the largest and most professional shipyards in only a few hours drive is also a big advantage of our location.
We will be happy to welcome you in our office or meet you wherever you are to discuss your trip in person